Marriage, celibacy, and heresy in ancient Christianity. The Jovinianist controversy. By David G. Hunter. (Oxford Early Christian Studies.) Pp. xix+316. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. £55. 978 0 19 927978 4
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- 09 April 2008, pp. 304-305
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La Croix dans la littérature chrétienne des premiers siècles. By Jean-Marc Prieur. (Traditio Christiana. Thèmes et documents patristiques, 14.) Pp. xlvii+233. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006. €46.20. 3 03910 487 X; 0172 1372
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- 17 October 2008, p. 720
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Arabische Christen – Christen in Arabien. Edited by Detlev Kreikenbom, Franz-Christoph Muth and Jörn Thielmann. (Nordostafrikanisch/Westasiatische Studien, 6.) Pp. vii+192 incl. 24 ills. Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 2007. £23.70 (paper). 13 978 3 631 55040 3; 10 3 631 55040 5; 0946 9184
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- 14 July 2008, p. 516
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The earliest Christian artifacts. Manuscripts and Christian origins. By Larry W. Hurtado. Pp. xiv+248 incl. 9 ills. Grand Rapids, MI–Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2006. £11.99 ($20) (paper). 10 0 8028 2895 7; 13 978 0 8028 2895 8
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- 07 February 2008, pp. 88-89
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The Blackwell companion to eastern Christianity. Edited by Ken Parry. (Blackwell Companions to Religion.) Pp. xvii+508. Malden, MA–Oxford: Blackwell, 2007. £85. 978 0 631 23423 4
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 517-518
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Expectations of justice in the age of Augustine. By Kevin Uhalde. Pp. viii+233. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007. £36 ($55). 13 978 0 8122 3987 1; 10 0 8122 3987 3
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- 09 April 2008, pp. 305-306
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Clement of Alexandria and the beginnings of Christian apophaticism. By Henny Fiskå Hägg. (Oxford Early Christian Studies.) Pp. xii+314. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. £45. 13 978 0 19 928808 3; 10 0 19 928808 9
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- 07 February 2008, pp. 89-90
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Redemption and resistance. The Messianic hopes of Jews and Christians in antiquity. Edited by Markus Bockmuehl and James Carleton Paget. Pp. xxvii+381. London–New York: T&T Clark, 2007. £80. 13 978 0 567 03043 6; 10 0 567 03043 1
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- 17 October 2008, pp. 720-721
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Das Evangelium nach Petrus. Text, Kontexte, Intertexte. Edited by Thomas J. Kraus and Tobias Nicklas. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. Archiv für die Ausgabe der Griechischen Christlichen Schiftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte (TU), 158.) Pp. viii+384. Berlin–New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007. €98. 978 3 11 019313 8; 0082 3589
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- 17 October 2008, pp. 721-723
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Das Testament Salomos. Die älteste christliche Dämonologie, kommentiert und in deutscher Erstübersetzung. By Peter Busch. (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. Archiv für die Ausgabe der Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte, 153.) Pp. xii+324. Berlin–New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. €88. 13 978 3 11 018528 7; 10 3 11 018528 8; 0082 3589
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- 07 February 2008, pp. 90-91
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Justin Martyr and his worlds. Edited by Sarah Parvis and Paul Foster. Pp. xvii+248 incl. frontispiece and 1 ill.+6 colour plates. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007. $35. 978 0 8006 6212 7
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 518-519
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Freedom and necessity. St Augustine's teaching on divine power and human freedom. By Gerald Bonner. Pp. xiii+143. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2007. $24.95 (paper). 13 978 0 8132 1474 0; 10 0 8132 1474 2
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- 09 April 2008, pp. 306-307
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Tradition and theology in St John Cassian. By A. M. C. Casiday. (The Oxford Early Christian Studies.) Pp. xiv+303. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. £55.13 978 0 19 929718 4; 10 0 19 929718 5
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- 09 April 2008, pp. 307-308
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Cyprian of Carthage, L'Unité de l’église. (De ecclesiae catholicae unitate.) Edited by Paolo Siniscalco, Paul Mattei and Michel Poirier. (Sources Chrétiennes, 500.) Pp. xviii+345. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2006. €34 (paper). 2 204 08132 9; 0750 1978
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- 07 February 2008, pp. 91-92
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Origen. Philosophy of history and eschatology. By P. Tzamalikos. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 85.) Pp. xvii+498. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2007. €147. 13 978 90 04 15648 7; 10 90 04 15648 8; 0920 623X
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- 14 July 2008, pp. 520-521
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The Belly-Myther of Endor. Interpretations of I Kingdoms 28 in the early Church. Translated with introduction and notes by Rowan A. Greer and Margaret M. Mitchell. (Writings from the Greco-Roman World, 16.) Pp. clvii+189. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2007. $39.95 (paper). 978 1 58983 120 9
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- 17 October 2008, pp. 723-724
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The encroaching desert. Egyptian hagiography and the medieval west. Edited by Jitse Dijkstra and Mathilde van Dijk. Pp. viii+288 incl. 5 plates and 1 fig. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2006. €150. 13 978 90 04 15530 5; 10 90 04 15530 9
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- 07 February 2008, pp. 92-93
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Episcopal elections, 250–600. Hierarchy and popular will in late antiquity. By Peter Norton. (Oxford Classical Monographs.) Pp. xi+271. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. £55. 978 0 19 920747 3
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- 17 October 2008, pp. 724-725
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Contextualizing Cassian. Aristocrats, asceticism, and reformation in fifth-century Gaul. By Richard J. Goodrich. (Oxford Early Christian Studies.) Pp. x+298 incl. 11 figs and 4 tables. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. £65. 978 0 19 921313 9
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- 09 April 2008, pp. 308-309
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Constantine's Bible. Politics and the making of the New Testament. By David L. Dungan. Pp. xii+224. London; SCM Press, 2006/Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2007. £9.99 (paper). 0 334 04105 8; 978 9 334 04105 4
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- 14 July 2008, p. 523
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