The Psychiatry Clinic of Timisoara, Romania, have initiated a Case Register for Psychosis (CRPsTim) consisting of 1589 onset cases of psychosis diagnosed during first admission (on the basis of the ICD-9, 10, the PSE symptoms list and SCAN) that were recorded between 1985 to 2004. A longitudinal case management was initiated for each case, by a team of psychiatrists trained in the Timisoara Psychiatry Clinic, which have remained in contact with a stable research team. All hospital admissions have been registered. The data have remained in the administrative records of the Clinic, being accessible to potential specific research endeavors. We noted therapeutic adherence, clinical outcome, relapse, and stability of diagnostics, comorbidities, and evolution of adaptive socio parameters.
At the current evaluation, 10 years since the last record, 43% cases are under continuous supervision, 5% are deceased, 4% have relocated indefinitely, 15% have interrupted the relationship with the outpatient service and 32% have no longer maintained contact after the first year of admission. All these cases could have evolved in any given way, including complete remission. The most stable evolutionary diagnosis was F.22, while the least stable was F.23. Changes in the clinical presentation have been noted even after 5 or 10 years since onset, especially with respect to the occurrence of schizoaffective episodes. The longitudinal approach allows for a comparative study of affective disorders with psychotic symptoms, as well as of schizoaffective cases. Along with the afore-mentioned C.R.Ps.Tim (sample A), during the last 15 years we have also organized a C.R.Ps.Tim B, comprising of cases studied in clinical and evolutionary detail, also in terms of life history, which are still under continuous supervision of the outpatient team, accessible to research opportunities (over 500 cases). Currently, we are working on the analysis and detailed investigation of both samples. Specific syntheses regarding this Case Register have been constantly presented at EPA Congresses.