Some of my emigrated Dutch friends have with considerable success collected aphids for me in Canada. The following notes are based on some of their catches.
Maculolachnus sijpkensi, new species
Oviparous female.
Body about 3.00-3.60 mm long, rather broadly oval. Head and pronotum brown sclerotic; mesonotum marginally sclerotic, spino-pleurally with small brown scleroites at the bases of the very numerous hairs; such scleroites also present on metanotum and marginally on abd. segment I, and in number at the bases of the hairs of VIIth, rarely also VIth abd. tergite; VIIIth terpite with a sclerotic band, which is narrower and often broken in the middle. No scleroites present at the bases of the spinopleural hairs of abd. tergites I-V or I-VI. Intersegmental sclerites on abdomen small, dark brown to Black. Dorsal hairs very numerous, on IIIrd abd. tergite up to about 0.11 mm long. Antennae darker-brown than the head, about 519 length of body; for interrelation of segments vide measurements; IIIrd segment with 4-11 rhinaria; the tw to seven of them that stand in a row large, elevated and bulging, but if many rhinaria are present often some small ones in the row, or besides some quite large; flat ones outside the row present; base of segment never with rhinaria; IVth segment two to four rhinaria on distal part; Vth without secondarv rhinaria, the primary rhinarium much elevated and bulging; VIth segment rather cylindrical, attenuated towards base, about 6 times as long as its maximum width; accessory rhinaria in two groups of which the basal one stands about halfway the segment, while the other stands beside the primary rhinarium.