Cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts are essential elements of myocardial
tissue structure and function. In vivo, myocytes constitute the
majority of cardiac tissue volume, whereas fibroblasts dominate in
numbers. In vitro, cardiac cell cultures are usually designed to
exclude fibroblasts, which, because of their maintained proliferative
potential, tend to overgrow the myocytes. Recent advances in
microstructuring of cultures and cell growth on elastic membranes have
greatly enhanced in vitro preservation of tissue properties and
offer a novel platform technology for producing more in vivo-like
models of myocardium. We used microfluidic techniques to grow
two-dimensional structured cardiac tissue models, containing both myocytes
and fibroblasts, and characterized cell morphology, distribution, and
coupling using immunohistochemical techniques. In vitro findings
were compared with in vivo ventricular cyto-architecture. Cardiac
myocytes and fibroblasts, cultured on intersecting 30-μm-wide collagen
tracks, acquire an in vivo-like phenotype. Their spatial
arrangement closely resembles that observed in native tissue: Strands of
highly aligned myocytes are surrounded by parallel threads of fibroblasts.
In this in vitro system, fibroblasts form contacts with other
fibroblasts and myocytes, which can support homogeneous and heterogeneous
gap junctional coupling, as observed in vivo. We conclude that
structured cocultures of cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts mimic in
vivo ventricular tissue organization and provide a novel tool for
in vitro research into cardiac electromechanical function.