Environmental stewardship refers to responsible use and protection of the
natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices. Aldo
Leopold (1887 to 1948) championed environmental stewardship based on a land
ethic “dealing with man's relation to land and to the animals and plants
that grow upon it.” Environmental stewardship as it relates to weed science
has taken on varying roles as chemical weed control took hold in managing
crops as a general practice soon after World War II, and became a well-known
issue during the Vietnam War, with the extensive use of Agent Orange. As
technologies in both chemistry and genetics have evolved, chemical weed
control became safer with the advent of less toxicologically damaging
materials. Combining toxicologically safe herbicides with genetic
manipulation made it possible to apply chemicals that previously would have
caused plant death, seemingly providing a magic bullet that simplified weed
control for many producers during the mid to late 1990s. University
scientists were guarded during the introduction of this technology; many
understood that the magic bullet had flaws. By using predominately POST
applications on weed species, genetic selection has given rise to
substantial resistance, therefore presenting weed scientists with a grand
challenge for the future. As new genetic technology is introduced for
existing and future weed management problems, how will environmental
stewardship be addressed and how can this technology be preserved? How can a
producer afford it and how can they afford not to use it? When we have weeds
present that used to be managed by herbicides and genetic technology, then
society will be forced to deal with the same social, economic, agronomic,
and environmental issues they dealt with prior to such technology.
Herbicide-resistance technology and the concomitant herbicide-resistant
weeds have provided a perfect case study to learn from if those in academia,
extension, and industry will pay attention. Continuing education of the
producer will be perhaps the biggest key in meeting the challenge to produce
a safe and plentiful food supply for a growing population with minimal
adverse effects of weeds while providing a desirable degree of environmental