Large uncertainties in catch data (officially-reported landings and
discards) are undermining the ability of scientific organisations to provide
valid management advice based on the conventional approach of analytical
stock assessments. There is thus an urgent need to consider alternative
tools that do not depend on long series of precise age-structured catch
data. This paper presents four fishery-independent assessment models
developed under the EU project FISBOAT (Fishery Independent Survey Based
Operational Assessment Tools). It also reports on rudimentary tests based on
simulated data, using the same data sets and protocol as an evaluation study
conducted by the US National Research Council in 1997. The survey-based
assessment models at hand are able to reliably capture the major signal in
biomass and recruitment, although they smooth out transient changes.
However, they cannot provide absolute abundance estimates, only relative
values on an arbitrary scale. The survey-based approaches could provide more
rapid updates of the state of stocks than catch-based methods.