Forests exchange large amounts of CO2 with the atmosphere
and can
influence and be influenced by atmospheric
CO2. There has been a recent proliferation of literature on
effects of atmospheric CO2 on forest trees. More
than 300 studies of trees on five different continents have been
published in the last five years. These include an
increasing number of field studies with a long-term focus and
involving CO2×stress or environment interactions.
The recent data on long-term effects of elevated atmospheric CO2
on trees indicate a potential for a persistent
enhancement of tree growth for several years, although the only
relevant long-term datasets currently available are for juvenile trees.
The current literature indicates a significantly larger average
long-term biomass increment under elevated CO2
for conifers (130%) than for deciduous trees (49%) in studies not
involving stress components. However,
stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 in long-term studies
was similar for conifers (62%) and deciduous
trees (53%). Recent studies indicate that elevated CO2 causes
more persistent stimulation of biomass increment
and photosynthesis than previously expected. Results of seedling
studies, however, might not be applicable to
other stages of tree development because of complications of age-dependent
and size-dependent shifts in
physiology and carbon allocation, which are accelerated by elevated CO2.
In addition, there are many possible
avenues to down-regulation, making the predicted canopy CO2
and growth of mature trees and forests
in a CO2-rich atmosphere uncertain. Although, physiological
down-regulation of photosynthetic rates has been
documented in field situations, it is rarely large enough to
offset entirely photosynthetic gains in elevated CO2. A
persistent growth stimulation of individual mature trees has
been demonstrated although this effect is more uncertain in trees in natural
Resource interactions can both constrain tree responses to
elevated CO2 and be altered by them. Although
drought can reduce gas-exchange rates and offset the benefits of
elevated CO2, even in well watered trees, stomatal
conductance is remarkably less responsive to elevated CO2 than
herbaceous species. Stomata of a number of tree
species have been demonstrated to be unresponsive to elevated CO2.
We conclude that positive effects of CO2 on
leaf area can be at least as important in determining canopy
transpiration as negative, direct effects of CO2 on
stomatal aperture. With respect to nutrition, elevated CO2 has
the potential to alter tree–soil interactions that
might influence future changes in ecosystem productivity. There
is continued evidence that in most cases nutrient
limitations diminish growth and photosynthetic responses to elevated
CO2 at least to some degree, and that
elevated CO2 can accelerate the appearance of nutrient limitations
with increasing time of treatment. In many
studies, tree biomass responses to CO2 are artefacts in the
that they are merely responses to CO2-induced
changes in internal nutritional status of the tree.
There are numerous interactions between CO2 and factors of
biotic and abiotic environment. The
importance of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations for
productivity is likely to be overestimated if these are
not taken into account. Many interactions, however, are simply
additive rather than synergistic or antagonistic.
This appears to hold true for many parameters under elevated CO2
in combination with temperature, elevated O3,
and other atmospheric pollutants. However, there is currently
little evidence that elevated CO2 will counteract O3
damage. When the foliage content of C, mineral nutrients and
secondary metabolites is altered by elevated CO2,
tree×insect interactions are modified. In most trees,
mycorrhizal interactions might be less important for direct
effects of CO2 than for alleviating general nutrient deficiencies.
Since many responses to elevated CO2 and their interactions
with stress show considerable variability among
species/genotypes, one principal research need is for comparative
studies of a large variety of woody species and
ecosystems under realistic conditions. We still need more long-term
experiments on mature trees and stands to
address critical scaling issues likely to advance our understanding
of responses to elevated CO2 at different stages
of forest development and their interactions with climate and
environment. The only tools available at present for
coping with the consequences of rising CO2 are management
of resources
and selection of genotypes suitable for the future climate and