It is proved that, for a Banach space X, the following properties are equivalent: (a) (X, weak) is
fragmentable by a metric d(., .) that majorizes the norm topology (that is, the topology generated by d
contains the norm topology), (b) (X, weak) is fragmentable by a metric d(., .) that majorizes the weak
topology, and (c) (X, weak) is sigma-fragmentable by the norm. The paper gives a game characterization
of these equivalent properties and uses it to show that a large class of Banach spaces (including the spaces
that are Čech-analytic in their weak topology) enjoy the properties (a)–(c). In particular, if the unit ball B
of X is a Borel subset of the second dual ball (B**, weak*) then X possesses the properties (a)–(c). This
provides an alternative approach to the proofs of some of the results of J. E. Jayne, I. Namioka and
C. A. Rogers on sigma-fragmentability of Banach spaces. It is also proved that C(T), with the topology p
of pointwise convergence, is sigma-fragmentable by the norm whenever T=∪i[ges ]1Ti and
(C(Ti), p), i[ges ]1, is
sigma-fragmentable by the norm. This answers a question of R. Haydon. Finally, a simple proof is given
that l∞ does not have any of the properties (a)–(c) and that
(l∞(Γ), weak) is not sigma-fragmentable by any
metric, provided that the cardinality of Γ is bigger than the continuum.