In [6] S. Shelah showed that in the endomorphism semi-group of an infinitely
generated algebra which is free in a variety one can interpret some set theory. It
follows from his results that, for an algebra Fℵ which is free of infinite rank ℵ in a
variety of algebras in a language L, if ℵ > |L|, then the first-order theory of the
endomorphism semi-group of Fℵ, Th(End(Fℵ)), syntactically interprets Th(ℵ,L2), the
second-order theory of the cardinal ℵ. This means that for any second-order sentence
χ of empty language there exists χ*, a first-order sentence of semi-group language,
such that for any infinite cardinal ℵ > |L|,
formula here
In his paper Shelah notes that it is natural to study a similar problem for
automorphism groups instead of endomorphism semi-groups; a priori the expressive
power of the first-order logic for automorphism groups is less than the one for
endomorphism semi-groups. For instance, according to Shelah's results on
permutation groups [4, 5], one cannot interpret set theory by means of first-order
logic in the permutation group of an infinite set, the automorphism group of an
algebra in empty language. On the other hand, one can do this in the endomorphism
semi-group of such an algebra.
In [7, 8] the author found a solution for the case of the variety of vector spaces
over a fixed field. If V is a vector space of an infinite dimension ℵ over a division ring
D, then the theory Th(ℵ, L2) is interpretable in the first-order theory of GL(V), the
automorphism group of V. When a field D is countable and definable up to
isomorphism by a second-order sentence, then the theories Th(GL(V)) and Th(ℵ, L2)
are mutually syntactically interpretable. In the general case, the formulation is a bit
more complicated.
The main result of this paper states that a similar result holds for the variety of all groups.