The cohomology of [Mscr ](n, d), the moduli space of stable holomorphic bundles of
coprime rank n and degree d and fixed determinant, over a Riemann surface Σ of
genus g [ges ] 2, has been widely studied from a wide range of approaches. Narasimhan
and Seshadri [17] originally showed that the topology of [Mscr ](n, d) depends only on the
genus g rather than the complex structure of Σ. An inductive method to determine the
Betti numbers of [Mscr ](n, d) was first given by Harder and Narasimhan [7] and
subsequently by Atiyah and Bott [1]. The integral cohomology of [Mscr ](n, d) is known
to have no torsion [1] and a set of generators was found by Newstead [19] for n = 2,
and by Atiyah and Bott [1] for arbitrary n. Much progress has been made recently
in determining the relations that hold amongst these generators, particularly in the
rank two, odd degree case which is now largely understood. A set of relations due to
Mumford in the rational cohomology ring of [Mscr ](2, 1) is now known to be complete
[14]; recently several authors have found a minimal complete set of relations for the
‘invariant’ subring of the rational cohomology of
[Mscr ](2, 1) [2, 13, 20, 25].
Unless otherwise stated all cohomology in this paper will have rational coefficients.