In the 1960s, Richard J. Thompson introduced a triple of groups
F ⊆ T ⊆ G
which, among them, supplied the first examples of infinite, finitely presented, simple
groups [14] (see [6] for published details), a technique for constructing an elementary
example of a finitely presented group with an unsolvable word problem [12], the
universal obstruction to a problem in homotopy theory [8], and the first examples of
torsion free groups of type FP∞ and not of type FP [5]. In abstract measure theory,
it has been suggested by Geoghegan (see [3] or [9, Question 13]) that F might be a
counterexample to the conjecture that any finitely presented group with no non-cyclic
free subgroup is amenable (admits a bounded, non-trivial, finitely additive measure
on all subsets that is invariant under left multiplication). Recently, F has arisen in the
theory of groups of diagrams over semigroup presentations [10], and as the object of
questions in the algebra of string rewriting systems [7]. For more extensive
bibliographies and more results on Thompson's groups and their generalizations see
[1, 4, 6].
A persistent peculiarity of Thompson's groups is their ability to pop up in diverse
areas of mathematics. This suggests that there might be something very natural about
Thompson's groups. We support this idea by showing (Theorem 1.1 below) that
PLo(I), the group of piecewise linear (finitely many changes of slope), orientation-preserving, self-homeomorphisms of the unit interval, is riddled with copies of F: a
very weak criterion implies that a subgroup of PLo(I) must contain an isomorphic
copy of F.