(1) Through the above contribution by Captain Charles H. Cotter, my attention has been drawn to the fact that the essential principle of the ‘Rectofix Tables’ is not only quite old but has been incorporated in a set of published tables —the Position Line Star Tables (for fixing ship's position by reduction to meridian and prime vertical without logarithmic calculation) by H. B. Goodwin, R.N., J. D. Potter, London, 1906.
Understandably, there are considerable differences in methodology and presentation, but all the essential concepts underlying the method are incorporated in Goodwin's tables; the main improvement introduced by Dr. Cunningham (who was, of course, quite unaware of these tables) is the inclusion of tabulations for the azimuth (Journal 17, 17).
Although none of the colleagues to whom I showed my short article called my attention to the existence of Goodwin's tables, I must accept sole responsibility for not having made a more thorough search of the published literature on the subject. This omission does, however, serve to underline the general note in that article on the difficulty of assigning priority for particular methods.