A small group of 46 previously untreated patients out of about 260 in all who have received Price Hill schedule A cytotoxic chemotherapy, achieved apparent complete clinical regression (ACCR) of their disease before local treatment. Forty patients were classified T3 or T4, over half having clinically positive nodes at the start of treatment.
A determine survival rate of 70 per cent disease free at three years was obtained and 74 per cent achieved quality of all symptoms. Two patients declined local treatment and survived three years disease free after chemotherapy alone. No recurrence has occurred to date in seven patients achieving apparent complete histological regression (ACHAR) in their surgical specimens.
Although ACCR does not automatically improve prognosis it is likely that it does enhance the complete remission rate, especially for those also achieving ACHR.
Benefits to patients obtaining ACCR with this minimally toxic chemotherapy schedule and listed.