Till quite recently, only one vase was known with a picture of Icarus. The publication of the black-figure fragments from the Acropolis added a second. I am putting a third to these, possibly a fourth and even a fifth.
And Daedalus? He appears on two of the Icarus vases and on one of the possibles. And Hauser has tried to show that the builder on a Laconian cup from Samos is Daedalus constructing the labyrinth. Hauser may perhaps be right; but that the winged figure on a vase in the Louvre is meant for Daedalus, I do not find it so easy as others find it to believe.
This vase is a black-figured kotyle of the sixth century, probably still the first half; it is reported to have been found at Tanagra; the style is a provincial travesty of Attic, and the fabric no doubt Boeotian. On one side, Theseus and the Minotaur: on the other, a helmeted horseman at the gallop, and behind him, in the air, a winged male, bearded and dressed in a short chiton, flying in the same direction.