John Owen, Richard Baxter and the formation of Nonconformity. By Tim Cooper. Pp. xii + 343. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2011. £70. 978 0 7546 6361 4
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 189-190
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The inquisitor in the hat shop. Inquisition, forbidden books and unbelief in early modern Venice. By Federico Barbierato. Pp. xxxiii+396. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2012. £70. 978 1 4094 3547 1; 978 1 4094 3548 8
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 636-637
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Konfession und Konflikt. Religiöse Pluralisierung in Sachsen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Edited by Ulrich Rosseaux and Gerhard Poppe. Pp. 343. Munich: Aschendorff, 2012. €49,80 (paper). 978 3 402 12944 9
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 429-430
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Revolution und religiöser Dissens. Der römisch-katholische und der russisch-orthodoxe Klerus als Träger religiösen Wandels in den böhmischen Ländern und in Russland, 1848–1922. By Martin Schulze Wessel. (Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, 123.) Pp. vii+344. München: Oldenbourg, 2011. €49,80. 978 3 486 70662 8
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 430-431
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The prodigious muse. Women's writing in Counter-Reformation Italy. By Virginia Cox. Pp. xxv+439. Baltimore, Md: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. £31. 978 1 4214 0032 7
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 637-638
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Godly kingship in Restoration England. The politics of the royal supremacy, 1660–1688. By Jacqueline Rose. (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History.) Pp. x + 320 incl. frontispiece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. £60. 978 0 107 01142 7
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 190-191
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A companion to multiconfessionalism in the early modern world. Edited by Thomas Max Safley. (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 28.) Pp. xi+500. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2011. €161. 978 90 04 20697 7; 1871 6377
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 638-639
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Responding to secularization. The Deaconess movement in nineteenth-century Sweden. By Todd H. Green. (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, 163.) Pp. xi+188 incl. 4 tables. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2011. €99. 978 90 04 19479 3; 1573 5664
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 431-432
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‘The little commonwealth of man’. The Trinitarian origins of the ethical and political philosophy of Ralph Cudworth. By Benjamin Carter. (Studies in Philosophical Theology, 42.) Pp. xxvi + 192. Leuven: Peeters, 2011. €44 (paper). 978 90 429 2214 3
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 191-192
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New worlds. A religious history of Latin America. By John Lynch. Pp. xviii+404. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2012. £25. 978 0 300 16680 4
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 639-640
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The devil in disguise. Deception, delusion, and fanaticism in the early English Enlightenment. By Mark Knights. Pp. xxi + 279 incl. 2 frontispieces and 38 figs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. £30. 978 0 19 957795 8
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 192-193
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Voice of Nonconformity. William Robertson Nicoll and ‘The British Weekly’. By Keith A. Ives. Pp. 323 incl. frontispiece and 22 ills. Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2011. £23 (paper). 978 0 7188 9222 7
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 432-433
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Dynasty and piety. Archduke Albert (1598–1621) and Habsburg political culture in an age of religious wars. By Luc Duerloo. Pp. xvii+592 incl. frontispiece and 13 figs. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2012. £80. 978 0 7546 6904 3
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 640-641
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Muhlenberg's ministerium, Ben Franklin's deism, and the Churches of the twenty-first century. Reflections on the 250th anniversary of the oldest Lutheran church body in North America. Edited by John Reumann. Pp. vii + 235. Grand Rapids, Mi–Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2011. £14.99 ($22) (paper). 978 0 8028 6246 4
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- 07 January 2013, p. 193
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Protestant missions and local encounters in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Unto the ends of the world. Edited by Hilde Nielssen, Inger Marie Okkenhaugh and Karina Hestad Skeie. (Studies in Christian Mission, 40.) Pp. viii+337 incl. 21 ills. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2011. €110. 978 90 04 20298 6; 0924 9389
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 433-434
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The Schweich lectures and biblical archaeology. By Graham Davies. (The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy. Centenary Lecture 2008.) Pp. xi+69 incl. 1 fig. + 12 plates. Oxford: Oxford University Press (for the British Academy), 2011. £19.95. 978 0 19 726487 4
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- 12 April 2013, p. 434
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Spiritual elders. Charisma and tradition in Russian Orthodoxy. By Irina Paert. Pp. xiii + 286 incl. frontispiece and 10 figs. DeKalb, Il: Northern Illinois University Press, 2010. $43. 978 0 87580 429 3
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 193-195
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Der Erzkanzler im Religionskrieg. Kurfürst Anselm Casimir von Mainz, die geistlichen Fürsten und das Reich 1629 bis 1647. By Franz Brendle. (Reformationstgeschichtliche Studien und Texte, 155.) Pp. xiii+578 incl. 5 ills. Münster: Aschendorff, 2011. €59. 978 3 402 12802 2; 0171 3469
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- 06 June 2013, pp. 641-642
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Religion, gender, and industry. Exploring Church and Methodism in a local setting. Edited by Geordan Hammond and Peter S. Forsaith (foreword D. Bruce Hindmarsh). Pp. xix + 238. Eugene, Or: Pickwick Publications, 2011. $28 (paper). 978 1 60899 642 1
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- 07 January 2013, pp. 195-196
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Octavia, daughter of God. The story of a female messiah and her followers. By Jane Shaw. Pp. xviii+398 + 16 plates. London: Jonathan Cape, 2011. £18.99. 978 0 224 07500 8
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- 12 April 2013, pp. 434-435
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