The play of paradox. Stage and sermon in Renaissance England. By Bryan Crockett. Pp. xi+213 incl. frontispiece. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. £31.50. 0 8122 3316 6. Religion, literature and politics in post-Reformation England, 1540–1688. Edited by Donna B. Hamilton and Richard Strier. Pp. xi+280. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. £35 ($54.95). 0 521 47456 6
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Charters of St Bartholemew's Priory, Sudbury. Edited by Richard Mortimer. (Suffolk Charters, 15.) Pp. xx+108 incl. 1 map. Woodbridge: Boydell Press (for the Suffolk Records Society), 1996. £19.50. 0 85115 574 X; 0261 9938
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Akten des XII. Internationalen Kongresses für Christliche Archäologie. Bonn 22.–28. September 1991. 2 vols. Edited by Ernst Dassmann and Josef Engemann. (Studi di Antichità Cristiana, 52. Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Ergänzungsband, 20, 1 and 20, 2.) Pp. xciii+616 incl. numerous ills+28 plates; 617–1308 incl. numerous ills+96 plates. Vatican City: Pontificio Istituto de Archaeologia Cristiana/Münster: Aschendorff, 1995. DM 410. 3 402 08546 1
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Philip of Spain. By Henry Kamen. Pp. xvi+384 incl. 3 maps + 26 plates. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 1997. £25. 0 300 07081 0
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Eastern wisdome and learning. The study of Arabic in seventeenth-century England. By G. J. Toomer. Pp. xiii+381. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. £45. 0 19 820291 1
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The making of the Anglican Church worldwide. By W. M. Jacob. Pp. viii+342 incl. map. London: SPCK, 1997. £19.95 (paper). 0 281 05043 0
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The religious life of Richard III. Piety and prayer in the north of England. By Jonathan Hughes. Pp. xiv+209 incl. 13 ills+6 colour plates. Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1997. £40. 0 7509 1115 8
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Pflichtbeichte. Untersuchungen zum Busswesen im hohen und späten Mittelalter. By Martin Ohst. (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, 89.) Pp. xi+315. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1995. DM 168. 3 16 146375 7; 0340 6741
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The grief of God. Images of the suffering Jesus in late medieval England. By Ellen M. Ross. Pp. xiv+200+39 ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. £41.99. 0 19 510451 X
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Defenders of the Holy Land. Relations between the Latin east and the west, 1119–1187. By Jonathan Phillips. Pp. xvi+314 incl. 2 maps and 4 genealogical tables. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. £40. 0 19 820540 6
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Property and power in the early Middle Ages. Edited by Wendy Davies and Paul Fouracre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. £35. 0 521 43419 X
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Theodor Mommsen und Adolf Harnack. Wissenschaft und Politik im Berlin des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts. Mit einem Anhang: Edition und Kommentierung des Briefwechsels. By Stefan Rebenich. Pp. xxi+1018. Berlin–New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1997. DM 348. 3 11 015079 4
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The register of Thetford Priory, I: 1482–1517; II: 1518–40. Edited by David Dymond. (Norfolk Record Society, vols 59–60 for 1994 and 1995/6; British Academy Records of Social and Economic History, New Ser., 24–25.) Pp. lvii+348 incl. 4 maps+4 plates; ixx+349–883 incl. 4 maps+frontispiece and 8 plates. Oxford: Oxford University Press (for The British Academy)/Norwich: Norfolk Record Society 1995. £40, £50. 0 19 726160 4; 0 19 726161 2
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British monarchy, English church establishment, and civil liberty. By John A. Taylor. (Contributions to the Study of World History, 56.) Pp. x+169. Westport, Conn.–London: Greenwood Press, 1996. £39.95. 0 313 29844 0; 0885 9159
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Government, religion and society in northern England, 1000–1700. Edited by John C. Appleby and Paul Dalton. Pp. xiii+224. Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1997. £40. 0 7509 1057 7
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Basil of Caesarea. By Philip Rousseau. (The Transformation of the Classical Heritage, 20.) Pp. xx+412 incl. map. Berkeley–Los Angeles–Oxford: University of California Press, 1994. $55. 0 520 08238 9. Die Entwicklung der Trinitätslehre des Basilius von Cäsarea. Sein Weg vom Homöusianer zum Neonizäner. By Volker Henning Drecoll. (Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte, 66.) Pp. xiv+417+map. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996. DM 120. 3 525 55174 6. Basil of Caesarea, Homilien zum Hexaemeron. Edited by Emmanual Amand de Mendieta and Stig Y. Rudberg. (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte, Neue Folge, 2.) Pp. xxii+235. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1997. £92. 3 05 002002 4; 0232 2900
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Catholiques entre monarchie et république. Monseigneur Freppel en son temps 1792–1892–1992. Actes du Colloque national de l'Université Catholique de l'Ouest. Angers 23–25 septembre 1992. Edited by Bernard Plongeron (with Isabelle Émeriau and Jean Riaud). Pp. 238. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1995. Fr. 171. 2 7063 0197 X
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Scotland and the crusades, 1095–1560. By Alan Macquarrie. Pp. xiii+154. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1997. £16 (paper). 0 85976 445 1 The saints of Scotland. Essays in Scottish church history, AD 450–1093. By Alan Macquarrie. Pp. xi+258. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1997. £14.95 (paper). 0 85976 446 X
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La teologia e la grammatica. La controversia tra Erasmo ed Edward Lee. By Cecilia Asso. (Studi e Testi per la Storia Religiosa del Cinquecento, 4.) Pp. 262. Florence: Olschki, 1993. L. 55,000. 88 222 4066 9; 1122 0694
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Lollardy and the gentry in the later Middle Ages. Edited by Margaret Aston and Colin Richmond. Pp. viii+280 incl. 6 ills and 10 maps/tables. Stroud: Sutton Publishing/New York: St Martin's Press, 1997. £40. 0 7509 1194 8; 0 312 173488 1
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