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Abstracts of the 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry

Volume 29 - Issue S1 - 2014

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P02 - Anxiety Disorders and Somatoform Disorders

S501 - Community based multilevel interventions targeting depression and suicidal behaviour

P31 - Schizophrenia

P29 - Psychotherapy

P11 - Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry

EPW33 - Addictive Behaviours 3

W548 - Neurocognitive and social cognition training: are there evidences of generalization and impact on functional outcome?

S502 - Symposium: The regulation of CNS-arousal and wakefulness in affective disorders and ADHD: relevance for pathogenesis and therapy

EPW26 - Bipolar Disorders 1

E03 - e-Poster Oral Session 03: Addiction and Geriatric Psychiatry

S519 - Symposium: Progression in brain tissue loss, antipsychotic medication, cognition and outcomes in schizophrenia - the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study and other studies

EPW44 - Psychotherapy

EPW40 - Bipolar Disorders 2

FC03 - Free Communications Session 03: Affective disorders

S533 - Biography, Self and Contextual Memory: Where is it encoded in the brain?

EPW16 - Schizophrenia 2

FC09 - Free Communications Session 09: Genetics and molecular neurobiology

E01 - e-Poster Oral Session 01: Schizophrenia

EPW21 - Others 2

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