In 1966–67, the following fungi were isolated on Adelges piceae (Ratz.), a serious pest on fir trees in the Gaspé Peninsula: Fusarium larvarum, Cephalosporium coccorum, Entomophthora sp., Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus nigra, Penicillium thomii, Penicillium sp., Cladosporium sp., Isaria farinosa, and Beauveria sp. F. larvarum showed more evidence of pathogenicity for Adelges, while C. coccorum was considered a facultative pathogen. There were not enough cases of infection by Isaria, Beauveria, and Entomophthora to determine their activity. Remaining species were saprophytic. Pathogenicity tests were conducted in the field with F. larvarum and C. coccorum. The fungi were introduced in the population by spraying or dusting, or by mites. However, a variety of external factors made it impossible to determine accurately the degree of virulence of these fungi for Adelges.