The excavations at Cirencester in the summer of 1963 were the most extensive that have so far taken place, with work continuing at the Amphitheatre and on five new sites inside the town. Also, as so often has happened in past years, yet another rescue dig had to be undertaken in October, after the main season had finished. Apart from the Amphitheatre, a site in the middle of the Forum was most generously made available by Mr. and Mrs. Constable; further information about the buildings in Parsonage Field, close to the earlier excavations of Miss K. M. Richardson, F.S.A., and Miss M. Rennie, was obtained, thanks to permission given by Gloucestershire County Council; extended knowledge of the defences on the south-west side of the town was obtained by the kind permission of the Watermoor Hospital Management Committee; problems relating to the street system were resolved in the front garden of the telephone exchange thanks to the General Post Office, and in the garden of Dyer Court thanks to Cirencester Urban District Council, who, with Lord Bathurst, also gave permission for the continuation of work at the Amphitheatre. Finally a small site in West Way produced information of Roman buildings in a hitherto unexplored area, for which permission was granted by Ardin and Brooks and Partners on behalf of their clients Messrs. Lipton's Ltd. The Excavation Committee's indebtedness to all who took part in the excavations, over ninety in number, and to all who contributed financially towards them, must be gratefully recorded.