Catalogue — County Maps
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 August 2023
Size: 39.4 x 53.1 cms. Scale: 1:352000
Scala Miliarium 10 (8 cms) 11
(i) The title is engraved top left in an ornamental panel surmounted by the Royal arms: NORTHAMTON Bedfordice Cantabrigia Huntingdonice et Rutlandice Comitatuum Vicinarumq 3 regionum partium adiacent’ noua veraq3 descriptio A° 1576. Bottom left are the arms of Thomas Seckford with motto Pestis Patrice Pigricies.
A proof impression of each map was sent to Lord Burghley when it was printed and these, showing a number of differences from the final state as described under edition (ii) and with some MS additions and corrections, were bound in a set which is now in the British Museum. In the same volume is a manuscript map of about 1570, perhaps a rough draft for the engraver, on which the shape of Bedfordshire is distorted, the county is named as PART OF BEDFORD SHIRE, shows nothing south of Toddington and names fewer places than the proof. A scale bar of 12 miles (14.5 cms) is in the lower left corner.
British Museum
(ii) The signature Christophorus Saxton descripsit on a scroll has been added behind the dividers above the scale bar, and a scroll has been added to the crest of Seckford’s arms with the words Industria Naturam Ornat. The following additions have been made in Bedfordshire: Ryseley and Eaton [Bray], a park containing a church symbol and three trees at Eaton Bray, a church symbol at Whipsnade, and a cross-bar converting the l in Segnowals to a t. The spelling of Anihill has been changed to Anthill.
Issued in an atlas containing general maps of England and Wales and county maps all by Saxton. There is no title page or frontispiece. The atlas was probably first put on sale in 1579 but the definitive edition was not published until about 1590. At least one early copy was printed on vellum. Also sold as loose sheets.
(iii) A ring fence enclosing two trees has been added at Woodende and the names Merston and Taternall have been added, with church symbols.
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Printed Maps and Town Plans of Bedfordshire 1576-1900 , pp. 27 - 206Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2023