1W. H. Reid, ‘Hum! Hum! A New Song’ [1793] © The British Library Board.
2Daniel Isaac Eaton [A Circular, together with a prospectus of a series of political pamphlets.] © The British Library Board.
3James Gillray, London-Corresponding-Society alarm’d: vide guilty consciences [1798]. Courtesy of the Lewis Walpole Library.
4[Robert Thomson] A New song, to an old tune,-viz. “God save the king”. © The British Library Board.
5Wonderful Exhibition!!! Signor Gulielmo Pittachio (1794). Trustees of the British Museum. All rights reserved.
6Richard Newton, Soulagement en Prison, or Comfort in Prison. Lewis Walpole Library (1793). Courtesy of the Lewis Walpole Library.
7Richard Newton, Promenade on the State Side of Newgate. (1793). Courtesy of the Huntington Library, San Marino, California.
8Amusement for Starving Mechanics. For the benefit of the Tythe and Tax Club. Shortly will be performed, the comical tragedy of Long Faces, etc. [A squib.][1795?]. © The British Library Board.
9King Killing. [A handbill, reprinted from one entitled ‘Tyrannicide.’] [London, 1797 [1795?]] © The British Library Board.
10John Thelwall, Spies and Informers. On Wednesday, Feb. 5. 1794, J. Thelwall will begin a course of lectures on the most important branches of political morality, etc. [A posting bill.] © The British Library Board.
11When the late dreadful accident, etc. [A handbill charging the king with callousness in regard to the accident at the Haymarket Theatre, 3 February 1794.] [London, 1794.] © The British Library Board.