HAREWOLD Compotus Johannis Goodeyere, balliui, & Johannis Roseday, (molendinc) molendinarij ibidem, de anno regni regis Edwardi quarti septimo.
Decayes of rente.
Fryst in the distres of the rente of a (tenementec) curtylage, late in the tenour of John Catur, the wheche dode yelde be yere 2s, and nowe my lord hath grauntid to Tho[mas] Langtoun for 12d be yere, 12d. Also in the decaye of the rente of a curtilage lyinge in the wast, late in the tenour of John Knottynge, for yt lyth in the lordys hand, 9d. Also in the aloweaunse of the rente of a lytill gardyne, the whyche my lord hath geve to Jenet Messenger, 6d. Also a cotage, late in the tenour of Thomas Dowe, for my lord hath graunttid the seyd cotage to William’ Saltere wythout any rente, be yere 4s, be hys letteris patente. Also my lord hath geue Richard Watford a cotage, late Johns Cook, in the same weyse, 4s. Also 1 acre londoun lyinge at Cakebro (oi)keslade, the whych that milord hath geue to the prioresse there, be yere 12d. Also in the distres of the rente of halfe yerdelond, late John Clystounes, the whych payde 10s be yere, and yt ys lete to John Arche but for 8s be yere, 2s. Also for a quartroun of lond’, late Harry Suttoune, was wont to yeld be yere 4s and nowe yt ys lete to John Russhell but for 3s 4d be yere, 8d. Also in the aloweaunse of the mersiment’ of Richaid Graue, knygh[t], for yt ys onknowe werre they sholdebe a reysid, 12d. Also in the aloweaunse of the rent of Strydewode, late the abbot’ of Seynt Juamis of North [a] mpt’, for my lord hath made an eschaunge with hym’ in Dernestret in North [a] mpt’, be yere 18d. Also in the distres of the rente of a tenemente, late in the tenour of John Hegoun, (stc) the whych payd be yere 26s 8d, and nowe yt yeldeth but 24s be yere, 2s 8d. Also in the loweaunse of the rente of a cotage, the whyche milad hath geven to Margeri Norcote, 4s, callyd the Launderhous.
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- The Grey of Ruthin ValorThe Valor of the English Lands of Edmund Grey, Earl of Kent, Drawn up from the Ministers' Accounts of 1467-8, pp. 79 - 110Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2023