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Cambridge University Press
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July 2009
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This book examines the relationship between free markets and democracy. It demonstrates how the implementation of even very painful free-market economic reforms in Chile and Mexico have helped to consolidate democratic politics without engendering a backlash against either reform or democratization. This national-level compatibility between free markets and democracy, however, is founded on their rural incompatibility. In the countryside, free-market reforms socially isolate peasants to such a degree that they become unable to organize independently, and are vulnerable to the pressures of local economic elites. This helps to create an electoral coalition behind free-market reforms that is critically based in some of the market's biggest victims: the peasantry. The book concludes that the comparatively stable free-market democracy in Latin America hinges critically on its defects in the countryside; conservative, free-market elites may consent to open politics only if they have a rural electoral redoubt.


"Cogently argued, drawn from wide social science analytical perspectives, and complete with an extensive bibliography, Kurtz's book is a valuable contribution to Latin American studies. A truly fine piece of academic analysis...Essential." J.A. Rhodes, Luther College, Choice

"...this book makes an important contribution to the study of democratization and the political economy of market reforms. It merits close reading by those concerned with both." - The Americas, Mark Eric Williams, Middlebury College

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