Periglacial conditions beyond the Wisconsin glacial limit produced wind-transverse corrugations in east-central Pennsylvania. The corrugations are low, linear ridges typically several hundred meters long, 10–30 m wide, and 3–8 m above the local slope. They are composed of matrix-supported diamictons. Depending upon landscape position, the corrugations form welts, step and risers, or ground-ice-scar ramparts. The average direction normal to the corrugations is clustered at 118°/298°, similar to the late Wisconsin or early Holocene wind direction of 284° measured from a nearby fossil dune field. But the corrugations were neither eroded nor deposited by wind. Rather, they record nivation beside snow that accumulated in wind-transverse patterns. Their wide distribution implies that the region was treeless during the late Wisconsin maximum. Present discontinuities in these and other periglacial features suggest wasting of ice-rich fill in upland valleys, with consequent widening of stream channels and fan growth, at the end of periglacial time.