Staphylococcal aureus epidermolytic toxins
(ETs) A and B are responsible for the induction of staphylococcal
scalded skin syndrome, a disease of neonates and young
children. The clinical features of this syndrome vary from
localized blisters to severe exfoliation affecting most
of the body surface. Comparison of the crystal structures
of two subtypes of ETs-rETA (at 2.0 Å resolution),
rETB (at 2.8 Å resolution), and an active site variant
of rETA, Ser195Ala at 2.0 Å resolution has demonstrated
that their overall topology resembles that of a “trypsin-like”
serine protease, but with significant differences at the
N- and C-termini and loop regions. The details of the catalytic
site in both ET structures are very similar to those in
glutamate-specific serine proteases, suggesting a common
catalytic mechanism. However, the “oxyanion hole,”
which is part of the catalytic sites of glutamate specific
serine proteases, is in the closed or inactive conformation
for rETA, yet in the open or active conformation for rETB.
The ETs contain a unique amphipathic helix at the N-terminus,
and it appears to be involved in optimizing the conformation
of the catalytic site residues. Determination of the structure
of the rETA catalytic site variant, Ser195Ala, showed no
significant perturbation at the active site, establishing
that the loss of biological and esterolytic activity can
be attributed solely to disruption of the catalytic serine
residue. Finally, the crystal structure of ETs, together
with biochemical data and mutagenesis studies, strongly
confirms the classification of these molecules as “serine
proteases” rather than “superantigens.”