It appear for some that by the principle of indentification and the imagos, maintaining visits between imprisoned parents and their children constitutes a factor of transmission of criminal behaviours. However, an obviousness lets appear in comparison with clinical reality, the way in which because of imprisonment, exclusion generates trauma because of the institution of the vacuum as well on the side of the parents imprisoned as of that their children. A reality brought back for us to the psychic clinic, confronting us with the way in which paradoxically, the image of the imprisoned relative, allows at the same time this parent, to return to his/her child the symbol of the taboo, but also to avoid collapse in the sidereal vacuum by the door of the anxiety and more seriously that of the depression. Maintaining these visits also allows both the parent and his child to keep their place and to maintain the link beyond the walls.
QuestionDoes the restriction of the links between the imprisoned parents and their children constitute the warranty of the safeguarding of the construction of personality of the children?
HypothesisIt ostruct the symbolization of the taboo and support the emergence of the risk of depression, sometimes leading to suicidal behaviours.
GoalTo elaborate in the clinical care of patients in detention methods allowing to prevent suicidal risks.
Methodclinical observation and psychoanalytical clinical talks
Populationpopulation in prison and their immediate entourage