Field studies were conducted in 1988 and 1989 to examine the interrelations of cultivation and herbicide band width in controlling pitted morningglory and sicklepod in soybean. Alachlor + imazaquin PRE followed by imazaquin + surfactant POST were not applied or were applied on bands 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 cm wide or were broadcast. Plots were cultivated zero, one, two, or three times. Without cultivation, at least a 60-cm wide band was needed to achieve maximum soybean seed yields. A slight linear increase in soybean seed yield in response to increasing band width was observed with one cultivation. With two cultivations, soybean seed yields were similar with and without herbicides, but a 15-cm wide herbicide band was needed to achieve maximum production with three cultivations. Greatest gross returns exclusive of weed management costs were realized with two or three cultivations and a 15-cm wide band.