More able individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome (AS) have been shown to pass
relatively high level theory of mind (ToM) tasks without displaying commensurate levels of
social adaptation in naturalistic settings. This paper presents a social cognitive procedure—the
Social Attribution Task (SAT)—that reduces factors thought to facilitate ToM task
performance without facilitating real-life social functioning. Sixty participants with autism
(N = 20), AS (N = 20), and normally developing adolescents and adults (N = 20) with
normative IQs were asked to provide narratives describing Heider and Simmel's (1944) silent
cartoon animation in which geometric shapes enact a social plot. These narratives were
coded in terms of the participants' abilities to attribute social meaning to the geometric
cartoon. The SAT provides reliable and quantified scores on seven indices of social
cognition. Results revealed marked deficits in both clinical groups across all indices. These
deficits were not related to verbal IQ or level of metalinguistic skills. Individuals with autism
and AS identified about a quarter of the social elements in the story, a third of their
attributions were irrelevant to the social plot, and they used pertinent ToM terms very
infrequently. They were also unable to derive psychologically based personality features
from the shapes' movements. When provided with more explicit verbal information on the
nature of the cartoon, individuals with AS improved their performance slightly more than
those with autism, but not significantly so.