Interference for 40 d after emergence (DAE) of corn, cotton, peanut, and
snap bean by four glyphosate-resistant (GR) and four glyphosate-susceptible
(GS) Palmer amaranth populations from Georgia and North Carolina was
compared in the greenhouse. Greater interference from Palmer amaranth,
measured as crop height and fresh weight reduction, was noted in cotton and
peanut compared with corn or snap bean. Crop height 15 to 40 DAE was reduced
similarly by GR and GS populations. Crop fresh weight, however, was reduced
25 and 19% in the presence of GS and GR populations, respectively. Measured
as percent reduction in fresh weight, GR and GS populations of Palmer
amaranth were controlled similarly by glufosinate, lactofen, paraquat, and
trifloxysulfuron applied POST. Atrazine and dicamba controlled GR
populations more effectively than GS populations.