‘Mars’, ‘Lemont’, and ‘Tebonnet’ rice were treated in 1987 and 1988 with fenoxaprop, sethoxydim, and haloxyfop at 3- to 4-leaf preflood and at panicle initiation postflood growth stages. Rice stunting and stand loss generally were greater from herbicides applied at postflood than at preflood with all cultivars. Mars yields were reduced from 11 to 23% by fenoxaprop at 168 and 336 g ha−1 applied preflood or postflood. Only postflood applications of fenoxaprop reduced Lemont and Tebonnet yields. Sethoxydim at 112 and 224 g ai ha−1 reduced yields of all cultivars when applied postflood, but yields were not reduced with preflood applications. Haloxyfop preflood at 140 g ai ha−1 and postflood at 70 and 140 g ai ha−1 reduced yields of Mars both years compared to the untreated control. Yields for Lemont and Tebonnet were reduced both years only when haloxyfop was applied postflood at 140 g ha−1.