The 12th European ALARA Network (EAN) workshop on “ALARA issues arising for safety andsecurity of radiation sources and security screening devices” took place in Vienna(Austria) in October 2009. The aim of that workshop was to consider how the implementationof ALARA, in terms of planned and emergency situations, involving worker and public doses,is affected by the introduction of security-related measures. In the case of new equipmentand procedures, there was also the question of whether exposures arising from securityscreening devices can be justified and optimised. This workshop consisted of invited oralpresentations, which highlighted the main issues, and half of the programme was devoted todiscussions within working groups on specific topics. During their discussions, theworking groups identified recommendations dealing with the following topics: theimplementation of the Code of Conduct and HASS – ensuring ALARA; balancing security andsafety – how to achieve an optimum solution; the management of an emergency exposuresituation from an ALARA perspective; the justification and optimisation of the use ofsecurity devices. The objective of this paper is to present the main conclusions andrecommendations produced during the workshop. Individual presentations (papers andslides) as well as the reports from the working groups are available to download on theEAN website (