Herbicides used as harvest aids are applied at crop maturity to desiccate
weed and crop foliage. Weeds present in the harvested crop can increase
moisture content and foreign material, reducing grade and market price.
Weeds can also delay the harvest operation and reduce harvest efficiency.
Glyphosate can be used to desiccate weeds in glyphosate-resistant crops
without concern for crop injury. Carfentrazone and pyraflufen-ethyl used as
harvest aids can be effective in desiccating broadleaf weeds in corn and
soybean. Paraquat, although effective on grass and broadleaf weeds when
applied late season, can cause significant crop injury if applied too early.
With expanded production of early maturing soybean cultivars in the
mid-South (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri bootheel, and west
Tennessee), presence of green stems, green pods, or green leaf retention, or
combinations of these at harvest has increased. Interest in harvest aids has
shifted to use as a crop desiccant. Paraquat also is an effective soybean
desiccant, but application timing differs for indeterminate and determinate
cultivars. Paraquat applied after soybean seed reached physiological
maturity reduced number of green stems, pods, and retained green leaves
present, allowing harvest to proceed 1 to 2 wk earlier than nontreated
soybean. Seed moisture, foreign material, and seed damage also were reduced
when paraquat was applied.