Sixteen species and two varieties of lichenicolous fungi are reported from Rhizoplaca s. lat. Four species and one variety are described as new to science: Caeruleoconidia ahtii Zhurb. (on Rhizoplaca s. str.), with hyaline to pale greyish turquoise, comparatively large conidia; Cercidospora mongolica Zhurb. & Cl. Roux (on Rhizoplaca s. str.), with a reddish brown (above) to pale brownish grey to colourless (below) exciple, mostly 4-spored asci, and (0‒)1(‒2)-septate ascospores, mostly 23‒28.5 μm long; C. tyanshanica Zhurb. & Cl. Roux (on Protoparmeliopsis and Rhizoplaca s. str.), with a uniformly grey exciple, mostly 4-spored asci, and (0‒)1(‒2)-septate ascospores, mostly 25.5‒31.5 μm long; Stigmidium pseudosquamariae Zhurb. (on Protoparmeliopsis), inducing brown cerebriform galls, with consistently immersed ascomata and well-developed pseudoparaphyses of type b sensu Roux & Triebel (1994); and Arthonia clemens var. peltatae Zhurb. (on Protoparmeliopsis), with a brown epihymenium without grey shade. An unidentified species of Leptosphaeria growing on Protoparmeliopsis peltata, and Lichenostigma cf. chlaroterae growing on P. peltata and Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca are briefly characterized. Arthonia clemens is newly reported for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Russia; Cercidospora melanophthalmae is new to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia; Didymocyrtis rhizoplacae is new to Russia; Lichenoconium lecanorae and Muellerella erratica are new to Kyrgyzstan; Stigmidium squamariae s. lat. is new to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. Didymocyrtis rhizoplacae is documented for the first time on Rhizoplaca subdiscrepans, and Pyrenidium actinellum s. lat. on Protoparmeliopsis. A key to 36 species of lichenicolous fungi and lichens known to occur on Rhizoplaca s. lat. is provided.