This study aims to characterize the translocation of photosynthates
within and from developing tall fescue (Festuca
arundinacea) leaves at the time of transition from sink to source.
The developing leaf contains a source,
the exposed tip, and a sink, the growing basal portion. When the exposed
tip of the developing blade is labelled
with 14CO2, it exports photosynthates exclusively
to sinks within the developing blade until the blade reaches 80%
of its final length, when photosynthates begin to be exported from the
blade and pass through the collar to reach
the growing sheath and the next expanding leaf. Concurrently, the previous
mature leaves reduce their level of
photosynthate export to the developing blade; export stops as soon as the
sheath of the developing leaf elongates
beyond 10 mm. Export from the mature leaves to the growing sheath and to
the next expanding leaf blade increases
rapidly. Thus, in a developing tall fescue leaf blade photosynthate importation
and exportation are exclusive
events: the expanding blade imports photosynthate from mature leaves until
it reaches 80% of its final length, then
exportation begins and importation ceases.