This article explores one aspect of the many public
protests surrounding the 1996 reform of German orthography:
the first in a series of legal challenges, which was
brought before the Federal Constitutional Court in May 1996.
The first section begins by proposing how and why such protests
can be usefully theorized in terms of Blommaert's (1999)
concept of a “language ideological debate,” and
then describes the historical background essential for an
understanding of this legal dispute. The second section focuses
on a critical analysis of the case brought against the reform,
looking at the details of the challenge itself, together with
the justification for its rejection by the Constitutional Court.
The third section considers what this dispute can tell us about
debates over the perceived origin of orthographic norms, with
particular reference to the ideological relationship between
individual, speech community, and (nation-)state. Finally, there
is a brief summary of the way in which the matter was finally –
albeit unsatisfactorily – resolved in 1998–1999.