We have used nuclear (ribosomal ITS1) and mitochondrial (ND1) sequences
to characterize human and pig isolates of Echinococcus granulosus
collected by fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) in Poland. The data indicate
clearly that the Polish patients were not infected with the common sheep
strain (G1 genotype) of E. granulosus, normally associated with
human cystic hydatid infection. Instead, the hydatid parasite infecting
the Polish patients shares very similar ND1 sequence with the previously
characterized pig (G7) genotype but it also exhibits some clear differences.
In particular, E. granulosus DNA from the Polish patients amplified
a single ITS1 fragment in PCR and distinct ITS1–RFLP patterns were
obtained after restriction digestion. The form of hydatid isolated from
the Polish patients appears, therefore, to represent a distinct, previously
undescribed genotype (designated G9) of E. granulosus.