Post-racing thoroughbreds (TBs) are increasingly being considered for Equine Assisted Services (EAS), but their use has not yet been widely characterised. This study aimed to generate detailed data on TBs and other breeds (OBs) of horses in EAS via an online survey. The survey was completed by 129 EAS practitioners from 15 countries and reported detailed data on 427 EAS equids, including 57 TBs. Most of the EAS horses were housed collectively, had access to free exercise over 12 h per day and had unrestricted access to forage. The most commonly recorded selection criteria for EAS horses consisted of: demonstrating a good personality; enjoying the work; absence of propensity to kick/bite. Detailed data gathered on individual horses showed that in comparison to OBs, TBs were younger, more likely to be a gelding, less likely to be used in ridden programmes, and tended to present more behavioural issues than OBs. The majority of the participants agreed that TBs have specific assets of particular interest to EAS programmes, such as sensitivity, body/movement characteristics or responsiveness/flight response. Finally, a large majority of participants reported that they believe TBs to be suitable for EAS programmes and some would consider working with them. These results showed TBs to already be in use in various EAS programmes and more could be incorporated in the future. In terms of animal welfare and beneficiaries’ safety, a selection process could therefore be designed and implemented to choose the most adapted horses for each EAS centre, according to living conditions and EAS activities practised (ridden or not ridden).