Evaluation approaches are needed to ensure the development of effective design support. These approaches help developers ensure that their design support possesses the general design support characteristics necessary to enable designers to achieve their desired outcomes. Consequently, evaluating design support based on these characteristics ensures that the design support fulfils its intended purpose.
This work reviews design support definitions and identifies and describes 11 design support characteristics. The characteristics are applied to evaluate a proposed design support that uses additive manufacturing (AM) design artefacts (AMDAs) to explore design uncertainties. Product-specific design artefacts were designed and tested to investigate buildability limits and the relationship between surface roughness and fatigue performance of a design feature in a space industry component. The AMDA approach aided the investigation of design uncertainties, identified design solution constraints, and uncovered previously unknown uncertainties. However, the results provided by product-specific artefacts depend on how well the user frames their problem and understands their AM process and product. Hence, iterations can be required. Based on the evaluation of the AMDA process, setting test evaluation criteria is recommended, and the AMDA method is proposed.