Three seed lots each of two varieties of field corn were compared in greenhouse and field studies. Cold test germination percentages of the seed lots were as follows: 79, 85, and 93% for ‘DK656’; 77, 84, and 91% for ‘T1100’. Tank mixes of metolachlor or metolachlor with safener CGA-154281 plus atrazine or formulated metolachlor/atrazine with and without the safener were applied preemergence. Crop stand of either variety or among seed lots within a variety was not affected by herbicide treatments. In the greenhouse, fewer corn plants were injured and growth of plants was greater with herbicides with safener than herbicides without safener. Plant heights and weights at harvest from the most vigorous seed lot of DK656 were higher than those of the other two seed lots. Herbicide treatments with the safener did not cause significant injury to corn in the field. Yields of both varieties increased with herbicide treatments in one conventional planting. No significant differences in injury or yields occurred among seed lots within varieties.