The anhydrous acid strontium oxalate Sr(HC2O4)⋅½(C2O4) was obtained by thermal decomposition of the hydrated acid strontium oxalate Sr(HC2O4)⋅½(C2O4)⋅H2O. This non-hygroscopic compound crystallizes in the space group P 21/c (No. 14) with unit cell parameters: a=0.796 61(7) nm, b=0.9205(1) nm, c=0.731 98(8) nm, and β=102.104(8)°. Final refinement of the X-ray powder data yielded RB=3.2% and Rwp=11.1% (background-corrected data). In this structure, Sr is eight-fold coordinated by O. These polyhedra are connected together by edge-sharing to form two-dimensional (2D) layers along the bc-plane, which means that there is an increased dimensionality from 1D to 2D with decreasing water content of the acid oxalates.