The product. Coconut water (Cocos nucifera L.) is an ancient tropical beverage whose popularity on the international market hasbeen continuously increasing in recent years. Uses. Besides itsvarious traditional uses, this refreshing liqu id extracted from thecoconut fruit has recently been described as a “sport beverage” andhas drawn the attention of manufacturers as a natural functionaldrink. Composition. Coconut water has a low mattercontent (2% to 5% wet basis), mainly comprising sugars and minerals.Quality criteria, such as the water per nut ratio, Total SolubleSolids (TSS), total sugar per nut, and [reducing sugars / totalsugars] ratio, are good indicators for estimating the suitability ofcoconut cultivars for the production of coconut water. Regarding thesecriteria, dwarf varieties are the most suitable cultivars to obtain atasty product. Properties. The quality of coconut watercan not only be attributed to sugars and minerals because it also hasa typical flavour and some original properties. Although many authorshave cited medicinal uses or growth-promoting activities, only a fewpublications have clearly identified the components responsible forthese properties. Discussion. Results of former andrecent investigations are discussed. Finally, suggestions are made forfurther research to increase our knowledge of this original tropicaljuice.