A three-generation family with Saethre-Chotzen syndrome and an isolated case are presented. The proband presented with conductive hearing loss. His mother and grandmother showed minor features of the syndrome including conductive hearing loss.
Symptoms of the craniosynostosis syndromes can include stapes ankylosis, a fixed ossicular chain in a too small epitympanum, and small or even absent mastoids. The proband was treated with a boneanchored hearing aid (BAHA) instead of reconstructive middle ear surgery. Current literature on the results of ear surgery is reviewed. In general, reconstructive middle ear surgery should only be considered if congenital anomalies of the middle ear are the only presenting symptom. In cases with additional anomalies such as atresia of the ear canal or damage due to chronic ear infections, the outcome of reconstructive surgery to correct the anomalous ossicular chain is unsatisfactory. In such cases the BAHA is probably the best solution.