Walter White, the blond, blue-eyed Atlantan, was a voluntary Negro,
that is, an African American who appears to be White but chooses to live
in the Black world and identify with its experiences. He joined the NAACP
national leadership in 1918 as assistant
secretary and became secretary in 1931, serving at this post until his
death in 1955. His tenure was marked by an effective public antilynching
campaign and organizational stability and growth during the Depression
years and by controversy over his leadership style. For him,
posing as a Caucasian—and then telling all who would listen about
his escapades—had three interrelated purposes. First, he developed
inside information about mob psychology and mob violence, publicity of
which was critical to the NAACP's campaign against lynching. Second,
White hoped to show Whites in particular the fallacy of racial
stereotyping and racial categorization. Third, by emphasizing the dangers
he courted—and even embellishing on them—he enhanced his
racial bona fides at key times when his Black critics called into question
his leadership.