Six kinds of both of primitivity and periodicity of words, introduced by Ito and Lischke
[M. Ito and G. Lischke, Math. Log. Quart. 53 (2007) 91–106;
Corrigendum in Math. Log. Quart. 53 (2007) 642–643], give
rise to defining six kinds of roots of a nonempty word. For 1 ≤ k ≤ 6, a
k-root word
is a word which has exactly k different roots, and a k-cluster is a set of
words u where
the roots of u fulfil a given prefix relationship. We show that
out of the 89 different clusters that can be considered at all, in fact only 30 exist, and
we give their quasi-lexicographically smallest elements. Also we give a sufficient
condition for words to belong to the only existing 6-cluster. These words are also called
Lohmann words. Further we show that, with the exception of a single cluster, each of the
existing clusters contains either only periodic words, or only primitive words.