Numerical simulations of ship/rotor-coupled flowfield have been performed to investigate the rotational direction effects on a shipborne single-rotor helicopter in different deck landing trajectories (i.e., lateral and longitudinal translation) based on Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) solver. Both the momentum source model and moving overset mesh model are employed to simulate the effect of the rotor on the ship airwake for different levels of fidelity requirement. The aerodynamic loading characteristics in terms of time-averaged and root-mean-square (RMS) thrust and pitch and roll moments are compared for two helicopter rotors with opposite rotation directions in a starboard 30 degrees wind condition. The time-averaged results show that the mean thrust of a counterclockwise rotor is greater than that of a clockwise rotor, particularly in the lateral translation phase. This suggests that a helicopter with a counterclockwise rotor could provide more collective control margin under this condition. Furthermore, a more significant reduction in pitch moment is experienced by the counterclockwise rotor during the two landing trajectories, and thus the effect of the aircraft being pulled towards the hangar tends to be more severe on the helicopter with the counterclockwise rotor. RMS loading results indicate that the unsteady loading levels on the clockwise rotor are much higher than that of the counterclockwise rotor in all three axes for most of the lateral and longitudinal translation phases. As a result, the pilot is likely to experience a higher workload when operating a helicopter with a clockwise rotor in the case of a deck landing in this wind condition.