The brown macroalga Laminaria saccharina exhibits a type of HCO3− utilization that could be almost completely inhibited either by
proton buffers or by acetazolamide, an inhibitor of extracellularly operating carbonic anhydrase. This means of HCO3− utilization featured
properties similar to direct HCO3− uptake in that photosynthetic rates were proportional to the HCO3− concentration of the seawater
over a wide pH range (pH 7·0–9·5). Despite this, it must be characterized as carbonic anhydrase-catalysed external HCO3− dehydration
and not as direct HCO3− uptake. A mechanism is suggested involving a CO2-concentrating capability located at the cell membrane. This
mechanism, which might be common in brown algae, is suggested to have an adaptational advantage in colder regions of the sea (as
compared with the direct HCO3− uptake of green macroalgae). This means of HCO3− utilization is inhibited even by fairly low
concentrations of buffer, with consequences for the interpretation of earlier experimental studies on L. saccharina (and possibly other
brown algae). These consequences relate both to ecology (e.g. determination of inorganic C affinity) and physiology (e.g. assessing
mechanisms for inorganic C uptake).