Perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L. # LEPLA) is a serious weed of meadows and riparian habitats in the intermountain area of the western United States. Germination of seeds of this species was tested at 55 constant- and alternating-temperature regimes. No significant differences were found in mean germination at a range of temperatures varying from 0 to 40 C for seedlots collected at the same site in different years or at different locations in the same year. Optimum germination not significantly (P = 0.01) lower than the maximum observed occurred most frequently at 5/40 C (5 C for 16 h and 40 C for 8 h), and 10/40 and 15/40 C. Germination was enhanced by alternating regimes with low night temperatures (0, 2, or 5 C) and high day temperatures (35 and 40 C), in comparison with more moderate constant-temperature regimes.