Background: Studies have shown that the intolerance of uncertainty may play a key role in the aetiology and maintenance of worry and generalized anxiety disorder. Aims: This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS), which had already been validated in French and English versions. Method: In a large college student sample (N = 940), the factor analysis and regression analyses were performed on the IUS. Results: The IUS had excellent internal consistency (α = 0.90) and good test-retest reliability (r = 0.75) over a 5-week period. Factor analysis showed that the IUS had a four-factor solution. Finally, the regression analysis demonstrated that IU contributed significantly to worry, after controlling for demographic variables and levels of anxiety and depression. Conclusions: The Chinese version of the IUS was a sound scale for assessing IU and the intolerance of uncertainty was an important influencing factor on worry.