A systematic distortion in high-angle annular dark-field scanning
transmission electron microscope (HAADF-STEM) images, which may be caused
by residual electrical interference, has been evaluated. Strain mapping,
using the geometric phase methodology, has been applied to images acquired
in an aberration-corrected STEM. This allows this distortion to be removed
and so quantitative analysis of HAADF-STEM images was enabled. The
distortion is quantified by applying this technique to structurally
perfect and strain-free material. As an example, the correction is used to
analyse an InAs/GaAs dot-in-quantum well heterostructure grown by
molecular beam epitaxy. The result is a quantitative measure of internal
strain on an atomic scale. The measured internal strain field of the
heterostructure can be interpreted as being due to variations of indium
concentration in the quantum dot.