Dormancy and germination ecology of two Harpagophytum species (Pedaliaceae) from an open Acacia savanna in Botswana were investigated. The maintenance of dormancy is governed partly by the seed coat but mainly by the endosperm and the embryo itself, as demonstrated by removal of the endosperm. Dissemination of the seed from the fruit can be delayed for several years without affecting the viability of the embryo, due to very low respiration rates.
Germination can be enhanced slightly by high temperatures under natural conditions, and by gibberellic acid or removal of the endosperm under laboratory conditions. Relative growth rates for both Harpagophytum species are lower than for subtropical grasses and legumes, due to a strong investment in root and tuber biomass. Germination and seedling growth is discussed in relation to the drought avoidance syndrome and the animal disperser syndrome.